
  • В. С. Кондратюк



Ключові слова:

Іван Іраклійович Куріс, дворянство, господарська діяльність, маєток, лісорозведення, Курісово-Покровське


Стаття присвячена представникам відомої в південноукраїнському регіоні родини Курісів, які відіграли важливу роль в суспільному, економічному й культурному житті краю. На основі архівних джерел та історіографічного доробку попередників зроблений аналіз господарської діяльності Курісів за основними галузями, визначений рівень їхньої адаптації до модернізаційних змін у економіці. Окреслена роль і значення Курісів в соціальноекономічному розвитку Південної України.


Abramov, V., 2009. Yvan Yraklyevych Kurys [Ivan I. Kuris]

(1840-1898) // Khudozhnya kulʹtura. Aktualʹni problemy [Art culture. Current problems], Vyp. 6, S. 567-604.

Bashly, M. I., 2015. Provintsiyne dvoryanstvo Khersonsʹkoyi ta Bessarabsʹkoyi huberniy [Provincial nobility of Kherson and Bessarabian provinces] (1861 – 1907 rr.): avtoref. dys. … kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.01 – istoriya Ukrayiny. Pereyaslav-Khmelʹnytsʹkyy. 21 s.

Bashly, M. I., 2014. Uchastʹ Khersonsʹkoho dvoryanstva v diyalʹnosti zemsʹkykh ustanov krayu (druha polovyna KHIKH st.) [Participation of the Kherson nobility in the activities of zemstvo institutions of the region (second half of the nineteenth century.)] // Hileya: naukovyy visnyk [Gilea: Scientific Bulletin], Vyp. 80, S. 18-21.

Borovskiy, M. I., 1878. Istoricheskiy obzor pyatidesyatiletney deyatel’nosti Imperatorskogo obshchestva sel’skogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii s 1828 po 1878 g [Historical review of the fifty-year activity of the Imperial Society of Agriculture of Southern Russia from 1828 to 1878 year]. Odessa: tip. P. Frantsova, 276 s.

Volos, O., 2011. Lisorozvedennya yak odyn iz napryamiv diyalʹnosti zemstv Pivdnya Ukrayiny [Forest growing as one of the directions of activity of the Zemstvos of the South of Ukraine] // Visnyk Odesʹkoho Istorykokrayeznavchoho muzeyu [Bulletin of the Odessa Historical and Local History Museum], Vyp. 10, S. 255-259 // [online]. Dostupno: http://www. history.odessa.ua/publication10/59.pdf (data zvernennya: 10.10.2017)

Derzharkhiv Odes’koyi obl. [State Archives of Odessa region].. – F. 22. – Op. 1. – Spr. 281. 59 ark.

Derzharkhiv Odes’koyi obl. [State Archives of Odessa region]. – F. 22. – Op. 1. – Spr. 110. 47 ark.

Kondratyuk, V. S., 2017. Kontury prosopohrafichnoho portretu rodu Kurisiv v istoriyi Pivdennoyi Ukrayiny [Contours of the prophotographic portrait of the genus Kurys in the history of Southern Ukraine] // U poshukakh harmoniyi… Naukova zbirka do 50-richchya profesora Vadyma Mykhaylovycha Khmarsʹkoho [In search of harmony ... Scientific collection for the 50th anniversary of Professor Vadim Mikhailovich Khmarsky]/ Nauk. red. i upor. E. P. Petrovsʹkyy. Odesa: TES, S. 303-312.

Kondratyuk, V. S., 2016. Ivan Onufriyovych Kuris – «tayemnychyy» heorhiyivsʹkyy kavaler [Ivan Onufryovich Kuris is a «mysterious» St. George’s Knight] // Pivdennyy-zakhid. Odesyka. Istorykokrayeznavchyy naukovyy alʹmanakh [Southwest. Odessa Historical and ethnographic scientific almanac]. Vyp. 21. Odesa: Drukarsʹkyy dim, S. 213-223.

Kondratyuk, V. S., 2017. U kohorti kolektsioneriv: Ivan Irakliyovych Kuris yak zbyrach i zberihach dukhovnoyi spadshchyny Ukrayiny [In the cohort of collectors: Ivan Iraklyevich Kuris as collector and keeper of the spiritual heritage of Ukraine]// Intelektualʹna istoriya ta dukhovna spadshchyna Ukrayiny KHIKH st.: zbirka naukovykh pratsʹ [Intellectual history and spiritual heritage of Ukraine of the XIX century: a collection of scientific works] / vidp. red. O. A. Bachynsʹka. Odesa: Odesʹkyy natsionalʹnyy universytet imeni I. I. Mechnykova, S. 119-126.

Konstantynova, YU. V., 2012. Dvoryanstvo Pivdennoyi Ukrayiny v druhiy polovyni XIX – na pochatku XX st. [The nobility of southern Ukraine in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries]: avtoref. dys. ... kand. ist. nauk: 07.00.01 – istoriya Ukrayiny. Donetsʹk. 20 s.

Konstantynova, YU. V., 2010. Problema roli dvoryanstva v ekonomichnomu zhytti pivdennoukrayinsʹkykh huberniy (kinetsʹ XIX – pochatok XX st.) u naukoviy literaturi [The problem of the role of the nobility in the economic life of the southern Ukrainian provinces at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the scientific literature]. // Naukovi pratsi [Chornomorsʹkoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni Petra Mohyly]. Ser.: Istoriya. T. 140, Vyp. 127. S. 118-124 // [online]. Dostupno: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/ Npchdui_2010_140_127_24 (data zvernennya: 10.10.2017)

Krasyukov, R. H., 1996. Dvoryanskyy rod Kurysov [The noble family of the Kuris]. // Yz hlubyny vremen [From the depth of time]. № 7. SPb., S. 141-159.

Kurys, Y. Y., 1879. Doklad pyatomu sʺezdu russkykh selʹskykh khozyaev po voprosam «O sredstvakh k sokhranenyyu y sberezhenyyu lesov» [Report to the Fifth Congress of Russian Farmers on “On Means for Conservation and Conservation of Forests”]. Odessa, 24 s.

Kurysovo-Pokrovskoe [Kurisovo-Pokrovsky] // Éntsyklopedycheskyy slovarʹ Brok·hauza y Efrona [Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron]. Pod red. Y. E. Andreevskaho, K. K. Arsenʹeva, F. F. Petrushevskaho. – S.-Peterburhʺ, 1890–1907 // [online]. Dostupno: http://www.vehi.net/brokgauz/index.html (data zvernennya: 10.10.2017)

Lobko, O. A., 2008. Posesiya u Rosiysʹkiy imperiyi (na prykladi orendy zemli v Teplytsʹko-Bubnovetsʹko-Sytkovetsʹkomu mayetku rodyny Pototsʹkykh, seredyna XIX – pochatok XX st.) [Possei in the Russian Empire (for example, land lease in Teplitsko-BubnovetskySitkovets estate Pototsky family, mid XIX - early XX century)] // Problemy istoriyi Ukrayiny XIX – pochatku XX st.: Zb. nauk. pr. Vyp. 14 [Problems of the History of Ukraine of the XIXth and beginning of the XXth Century: Sat. sciences Ave 2008]// [online]. Dostupno: http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/bitstream/handle/123456789/13659/13Lobko.pdf?sequence=1 (data zvernennya: 10.10.2017)

Mestechko Kurysovo-Pokrovskoe (Balay tozh): Statystycheskoe opysanye poselenyya, sost. na osnovanyy dannykh, poluchennykh pry pomoshchy podvornoy perepysy, proyzvedennoy 28 sent. [The town of Kurisovo-Pokrovskoe (Balay tozh): Statistical description of the settlement, comp. based on data obtained through a household census conducted on 28 September] – 4 okt. 1882 h. Statystycheskym otdelenyem pry Khersonskoy hubernskoy zemskoy uprave [Oct. 4 1882 by the Statistical Department under the Kherson Provincial Zemstvo Administration]. Odessa, 1883. 93 s.

Mykhalʹchenko, V. A., Syvyryn, O. H., 2005. Da budet pravda! [Let there be truth!] Odessa: Yzdatelʹstvo «Éven», 324 s.

Muzychko, A., 2009. Semʹya Kurysov y nauchnaya élyta Odessy v kontse XIX – nachale XX vv. [The family Kurisov and the scientific elite of Odessa in the late XIX - early XX centuries.] // Visnyk Odesʹkoho istoryko-krayeznavchoho muzeyu [Bulletin of the Odessa Historical and Local History Museum]. № 7. S. 21-24.

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Peshyy, A. Y., 2008. Yvan Yraklyevych Kurys (k 165-letyyu so dnya rozhdenyya) [Ivan Iraklyevich Kuris (on the occasion of his 165th birthday)] // Odesskoe arkheolohycheskoe obshchestvo. Kratkye soobshchenyya Odesskoho arkheolohycheskoho obshchestva. 90 let Natsyonalʹnoy Akademyy nauk Ukrayny [Odessa Archaeological Society. Brief communications of the Odessa Archaeological Society. 90 years of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine]. Odessa, S. 20-23.

Peshyy, A., 2005. Nasledye Yvana Yraklyevycha Kurysa [The legacy of Ivan Iraklyevich Kuris] // Visnyk Odesʹkoho istoryko-krayeznavchoho muzeyu. Spetsvypusk do 50-richchya z dnya zasnuvannya muzeyu [Bulletin of the Odessa Historical and Local History Museum. Special issue for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the museum]. Odesa, Vyp. 2. S. 36-41.

Temirova, N. R., 2003. Pomishchyky Ukrayiny v 1861–1917 rr.: sotsialʹno-ekonomichna evolyutsiya [The landowners of Ukraine in 1861-1917: socio-economic evolution]. Donetsʹk, 319 s.

Temirova, N. R., 2001. Pomishchytsʹke hospodarstvo Khersonsʹkoyi huberniyi v druhiy polovyni XIX – na pochatku XX st. [Housing estate of the Kherson province in the second half of the XIX – early XX century.] // Nauk. pr. NaUKMA. (Mykolayiv. fil.) [Science NaUKMA avenue. (Nikolaev fil.)]. Vyp. 10. S. 49-54.

Khmarskyi, V. M., 2009. Kurisy ta Odesʹke tovarystvo istoriyi i starozhytnostey: hrani spivrobitnytstva [Kurisy and the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities: the faces of cooperation] // Visnyk Odesʹkoho istoryko-krayeznavchoho muzeyu [Bulletin of the Odessa Historical and Local History Museum]. № 7. S. 8-11.

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Chubina, T., 2008. Rid Pototsʹkykh v Ukrayini (tulʹchynsʹka liniya) [Pototsky family in Ukraine (Tulchin line)]. Cherkasy: Cherkasʹkyy TSNTEI, 512 s.




