
  • А. М. Колесниченко



Ключові слова:

скло, техніка сердечника, експонат, Північне Причорномор’я, Ніконій, Тіра, античність


В роботі вивчено історію формування колекції скляного посуду VI – I ст. до н.е., базуючись на документах архіву Одеського археологічного музею, Державного архіву Одеської області та протоколів засідань Одеського товариства історії та старожитностей. Проаналізовано стан вивченості та етапи комплектації зібрання з поч. XX ст. Висвітлені нові сторінки історії діяльності музею. В роботі дана кількісна та типологічна характеристика посуду. В результаті вивчення колекції накреслені перспективи майбутніх досліджень.


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Bodzek J. (Ed.) 2006. Skarby znad Morza Czarnego – Treasures from the Black Sea Coast, Katalog wystawy w Muzeum Narodowym w Krakowie, marzec-czerwiec 2006 (March to June). Kraków: Muzeum Narodowe. 386 s.

Cosyns P., Nys K. 2010. Core-formed Glass Vessels on Cyprus Reconsidered. In S. Christodoulou, A. Satraki (eds.) Poca 2007: Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology Conference. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. P. 231-261.

Derzharkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of Odessa region]. F. 93. Op. 1. Spr. 172. Delo ob Odesskom Gorodskom muzee i materialy` po istorii muzeya [The case of the Odessa City Museum and materials on the history of the museum]. 1833-1857.

Derzharkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of Odessa region]. F. 93. Op.2. Spr. 1. Spiski i opisi imushhestva prinadlezhashhego muzeyu i kabinetu Odesskogo obshhestva istorii i drevnostej [Lists and inventory of the property belonging to the museum and the office of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities]. 1847.

Derzharkhiv Odeskoi oblasti [State Archives of Odessa region]. F. R-4127. Op.1. Spr. 6. Odesskij istoriko-arxeologicheskij muzej Direkczii kul`tury` primarii Odesskogo municzipaliteta, g. Odessa (period vremennoj rumy`no-nemeczkoj fashistskoj okkupaczii)[ Odessa Historical and Archaeological Museum of the Directorate of Culture of the Primacy of the Odessa Municipality, Odessa (a period of temporary Romanian-German fascist occupation)]. 1941-1944 gg.

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Dzigovskii A.N., Ostroverkhov A.S. 2000. Stekliannaia posuda kak istoricheskoe iavlenie v pamiatnikakh skifo-sarmatskogo vremeni [Glassware as a historical phenomenon in the monuments of the Scythian-Sarmatian time]. Odessa: Germes. 258 s.

Dzis-Raiko G.A. 1983 (Ed.) Odesskii arkheologicheskii muzei AN USSR [Odessa Archeological Museum of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR]. Kiev: Naukova dumka. 194 s.

Grose D.F. 1989. The Toledo Museum of Art. Early Ancient Glass. Core-Formed, Rod-Formed, Cast Vessels and Objects from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Roman Empire (from 1600 B.C. to A.D. 50). New York: The Toledo Museum of Art. 540 p.

Harden D.B. 1981. Catalogue of Greek and Roman Glass in the British Museum. Vol. I. Core- and Rod-Formed Vessels and Pendants. London: British Museum. 187 p.

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Karageorghis V. ET ALL. (Eds.) 2001. Greek and Cypriote antiquities in Arhaeological museum of Odessa. Nicosia : Foundation Anastasios G. Leventis. 96 p.

Kleiman I. B. 1979. Stratigrafiia kulturnogo sloia gorodishcha Tiry-Belgoroda [Stratigraphy of the cultural layer of the ancient settlement of Tire-Belgorod] In KARYSHKOVSKII P.O. (ed.) Antichnaia Tira i srednevekovyi Belgorod [Ancient Tire and medieval Belgorod]. Kiev: Naukova dumka, S. 54-75.

Kolesnychenko A.N. 2013. «Finikiiskie» sosudy iz Tiry [“Phoenician “ vessels from the Tire]. Drevnee Prichernomore [Ancient Black Sea Coast]. Vyp. X. S. 314-318.

Kolesnychenko A.N. 2013. A.L. Berte-Delagard i ego vklad v formirovanie kollektsii stekla Odesskogo arkheologicheskogo muzeia [Berthier-Delagard and his contribution to the formation of the collection of the glass of the Odessa Archaeological Museum]. In Hladun S.M. (ed.) IX Mykolaivska oblasna kraieznavcha konferentsiia. «Istoriia. Etnohrafiia. Kultura. Novi doslidzhennia» [IX Mykolayiv regional regional lore conference. “History. Ethnography. Culture. New research»]. Mykolaiv: Vydavnytstvo Iryny Hudym, S. 314-317.

Kolesnychenko A.N. 2017. Stekliannye sosudy iz Nikoniia, izgotovlennye v tekhnike serdechnika [Glass vessels made of Niconium, made in the technique of a core]. Stratum plus. №3. S. 361-378.

Kratkii ukazatel muzeia imperatorskogo Odesskogo Obshchestva Istorii i Drevnostei [A brief index of the museum of the Imperial Odessa Society of History and Antiquities]. Izdanie 5-e pererabotannoe. Odessa: tip. E. Khrisogelosie, 1915. 109 s.

Kunina N.Z. 2008. Stekliannye sosudy, sdelannye v tekhnike serdechnika (VI vek do n.e. – nachalo I veka n.e.) iz nekropolia Pantikapeia v sobranii Ermitazha [Glass vessels made in core technology (VI century BC - the beginning of the 1st century AD) from the necropolis of Panticapaeum in the Hermitage collection]. Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha [Proceedings of the State Hermitage]. Vyp. XLI. S.304-352.

Minchev A. 1980. Antichno stieklo (V – I v. pr. n.e.) vie Varnenskiia muzei [Antique Glass (V - I c. BC) in the Varna Museum]. Izvestiia na Narodniia Muzei [Announcements of the National Museum]. Vyp.16 (31). S. 111-114.

Mladenova I.A. 1963. Predmeti ot stieklo i alabastr ot nekropola na Apolloniia [Glass and alabaster items from the necropolis of Apollonia. In Venediktov I. (Ed.) Apoloniia. Razkopkite v nekropola na Apolloniia prez 1947-1949 gg. Sofiia: Bielgarska akademiia na naukite. Arkheologicheski institut [Apolonia. Excavations in the necropolis of Apollonia in 1947-1949gg. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Archaeological Institute], S. 305-312.

Naukovyi arkhiv Odeskoho arkheolohichnoho muzeiu NAN Ukrainy [Scientific archives of the Odessa Archaeological Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine]. Plan raboty Odesskogo gosudarstvennogo arkheologicheskogo muzeia na 1958 g. Plan raboty L.G. Garkushi [Plan of work of the Odessa State Archaeological Museum for 1958. Work plan of LG. Garkushi]. 15 ark.

Naukovyi arkhiv Odeskoho arkheolohichnoho muzeiu NAN Ukrainy [Scientific archives of the Odessa Archaeological Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine]. Plan raboty Odesskogo gosudarstvennogo arkheologicheskogo muzeia na 1970 g. Plan raboty V.I. Kuzmenko [Plan of work of the Odessa State Archaeological Museum for 1970. Kuzmenko]. 25 ark.

Ostroverkhov A.S. 1993. Tekhnologiia antichnogo steklodeliia: arkhaika (po arkheologicheskim materialam Severnogo Prichernomoria) [Technology of antique glassmaking: archaic (based on archaeological materials of the Northern Black Sea region)]. Preprint. Kiev: In-t arkheologii NAN Ukrainy [Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine]. 99 s.

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Sorokina N.P. 1965. Siriiskii stekliannyi sosud iz sobraniia OGAM [Syrian glass vessel from the OGAM collection]. Kratkie soobshcheniia o polevykh arkheologicheskikh issledovaniiakh OGAM za 1963 g [Brief communications on field archaeological investigations of OGAM for 1963] . S. 185-189.

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