
  • С. В. Ковальчук
  • Н. О. Петрова Одеський національний університет ім. І. І. Мечникова, Україна



Ключові слова:

переселенці, депортація, українці, УРСР, Польща, СРСР


У запропонованому дослідженні висвітлюються заходи органів влади для переселенців-українців із Західної України у 1944-1946 рр. Аналізуються офіційні документи, листи переселенців до державних установ, які дають можливість висвітлити деталі процесу організації переселення та розташування переселенців на нових територіях.


Deportatsiyi. Zakhidni zemli Ukrayiny kintsya 30-kh – pochatku 50-kh rr. Dokumenty, materialy, spohady: u tr’okh tomakh [Deportation Western lands of Ukraine in the late 30’s - early 50’s. Documents, materials, memoirs: in three volumes]. – T.2. 1946-1947 rr. / vidpovid. Redaktor Yu.Slyvka. – L’viv, 1998. – 536 s.

Hontar T. M. Stanovyshche pereselentsiv z Pol’shchi v pivdennykh ta skhidnykh oblastyakh URSR u 1944-1945 rr. [Situation of settlers from Poland in the southern and eastern regions of the Ukrainian SSR in 1944-1945] // Naukovi zapysky Ternopil’s’koho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu [Scientific notes of the Ternopil State Pedagogical University]. Vyp. VII. Seriya : Istoriya. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats’. – Ternopil’: Lileya, 1998. – S. 146-155.

Kramar Yu.V. Osoblyvosti deportatsiyno-pereselens’kykh protsesiv z Pol’shchi do pivdennykh rehioniv Ukrayiny u 1944-1947 rr [Features of deportation-resettlement processes from Poland to the southern regions of Ukraine in 1944-1947]. – S. 114-119 // Dostupno: http://history.org.ua/LiberUA/978-966-413-261-6/24.pdf (data zvernennya: 10.10.2017).

Kitsak V. M. Deportatsiya ukrayintsiv z Pol’shchi v URSR u 1944 – 1946 rr. ta yikh sotsial’no-ekonomichna adaptatsiya [Deportation of Ukrainians from Poland in the USSR in 1944-1946 and their socio-economic adaptation] : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttya stupenya kand. istor. Nauk : spets. 07.00.01 “Istoriya Ukrayiny” [author’s abstract. dis for obtaining the degree of candidate. history Science: special 07.00.01 “History of Ukraine”] / V.M. Kitsak. – Chernivtsi, 2003. 22 s.

Koval’chuk S. V., Petrova N. O. Maynovyy ta sotsial’nyy stan pereselentsiv na Odeshchynu v 1944-1947 rr. [Property and social status of settlers in the Odessa region in 1944-1947] // Mihratsiyi v istoriyi i etnichnykh protsesakh Ukrayiny. Odes’ki etnohrafichni chytannya : Zbirka naukovykh prats’: naukove vydannya [Migrations in the history and ethnic processes of Ukraine. Odessa ethnographic readings: Collection of scientific works: scientific publication] / Za redaktsiyeyu V.H. Kushnira. – Odesa : Odes’kiy natsional’nyy universytet imeni I.I. Mechnykova, 2017. – 398 s. – S. 168-178.

Lytvyn M. Deportatsiya ukrayintsiv u 1944-1951 rokakh [Deportation of Ukrainians in 1944-1951] // Dostupno: http://www/voxpopuli.com.ua/rubriki/istoria/zlocininkvd/deportaciieukraiencivu1944-1951rokahavtorlivinmikola (data zvernennya: 10.10.2017).

Odesskiy ispolnitelnyiy komitet oblastnogo soveta deputatov trudyaschihsya. Otdel pereseleniya o trudovom i byitovom ustroystve [Odessa Executive Committee of the Regional Council of Working People’s Deputies. Department of resettlement of labor and domestic devices] 16.05 1945 08.08.1945. f R-2000 op 3 spr 84, 200 ark.

Ostannya deportatsiya. Do 60-ty richchya prymusovoho pereselennya 1951 roku: naukovo-dovidkove vydannya [The last deportation. To the 60th anniversary of the forced resettlement of 1951: a scientific reference publication]. – Odesa : Astroprynt, 2011. – 240 s.

Perepiska po voprosam evakuatsii i rasseleniya ukrainskogo i polskogo naseleniya v Odesskoy oblasti 1946 g. [Correspondence on the evacuation and resettlement of the Ukrainian and Polish population in the Odessa region in 1946] DAOO, f. R-2000, op. 3, spr. 87, 491 ark.

Perepiska po voprosam pereseleniya i byitovogo ustroystva pereselentsev 1946 g [Correspondence on issues of resettlement and domestic organization of immigrants in 1946]. Derzharkhiv Odes’koyi obl. [State Archives of Odessa region], f. R-2000, op. 3, spr. 150, 425 ark.

Perepiska s rayonami oblasti za 1945 r. o trudovom i byitovom ustroystve pereselentsev [Correspondence with the regions of the region for 1945 p. on the labor and life of the settlers]. Derzharkhiv Odes’koyi obl. [State Archives of Odessa region], f. R-2000, op. 3, spr. 85, 289 ark.

Perepiska s rayonami Odesskoy oblasti po voprosam byitovogo ustroystva pereselentsev i dr. [Correspondence with the regions of the Odessa region on the issues of the household arrangement of immigrants, etc.] Derzharkhiv Odes’koyi obl. [State Archives of Odessa region], f. R-2000, op. 3, spr. 148. 460 ark.

Perepiska s SM USSR i ukazannyimi rayonami o hozyaystvennom ustroystve pereselentsev iz Polsha 1945-1946 gg [Correspondence with the SM of the Ukrainian SSR and the above-mentioned regions on the economic structure of the settlers from Poland 1945-1946]. Derzharkhiv Odes’koyi obl. [State Archives of Odessa region], f. R-2000, op. 3, spr. 145, 321 ark.

Perepiska s SM USSR o hozyaystvennom ustroystve pereselentsev iz Polshi 1947 g. [Сorrespondence with the SM of the Ukrainian SSR on the economic organization of immigrants from Poland in 1947] DAOO, f. R-2000, op. 3, spr. 147, 96 ark.

Pron’ T. Pereselennya ukrayins’koho naselennya z Pol’shchi v Odes’ku oblast’ ta yoho intehratsiya v lokal’ne seredovyshche krayu (1944-1946 rr.) [Resettlement of the Ukrainian population from Poland to the Odesa region and its integration into the local environment of the region (1944-1946)] // Krayeznavstvo [Regional studies]. - # 1, 2012. – S. 150-157.

Ukrayina v Druhiy svitoviy viyni: pohlyad z XXI stolittya. Istorychni narysy [Ukraine in the Second World War: A View from the XXI Century. Historical Essays] / Red. kol.: V. A. Smoliy (holova kolehiyi), H. V. Boryak, Yu. A. Levenets’, V. M. Lytvyn, O. Ye. Lysenko (vidp. red.), O. S. Onyshchenko, O. P. Reyent, P. T. Tron’ko; Retsenzenty: O. S. Rubl’ov, V. F. Shevchenko. NAN Ukrayiny. Instytut istoriyi Ukrayiny [National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Institute of History of Ukraine]. – K.: NVP “Vydavnytstvo “Naukova dumka, NAN Ukrayiny”, 2011. – Kn. 2. – 943 s.




