
  • О. П. Делі



Ключові слова:

Д. М. Княжевич, періодичні видання, Товариство сільського господарства Південної Росії, Одеське товариство історії та старожитностей, Рішельєвський ліцей


У статті висвітлюється діяльність Д. М. Княжевича в Товаристві сільського господарства Південної Росії. Розглянуті етапи розвитку наукового товариства. Проаналізована видавнича та наукова робота Д. М. Княжевича за часів членства в товаристві.


Borovskiy, M. P. 1878. Istoricheskiy obzor 50-letney deyatelnosti Imperatorskogo obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii [Historical review of 50 years' activity of Imperial society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia]. Odessa : Tip. P. Frantsova.

Bychikhina, A. A. 1916. 85-letie Zapisok Imperatorskogo obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii 1830-1915 gg [85 anniversary of Notes of Imperial society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia of 1830-1915.]. Odessa : Slavyanskaya tip.

Gamaleya, V. N., 2009. Obshchestvo selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii: organizatsiya i deyatelnost [Society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia: organization and activity.]. Visnyk Dnipropetrovskoho universytetu. Seriia «Istoriia i filosofiia nauky i tekhniky» [Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk University. Series "History and Philosophy of Science and Technology"], 1/2(17), s. 76-82.

[Knyazhevich, D. M.], 1839. Dopolnitelnaya statya o rastitelnom sredstve dlya mytya shersti [Additional article about vegetable means for wool washing]. Listki obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii [Leaves of society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia], 2, s. 133-136.

[Knyazhevich, D. M.], 1839. Lyubopytnoe izvestie o novom prevoskhodnom sredstve dlya mytya shersti [Curious news of new excellent means for wool washing]. Listki obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii [Leaves of society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia], 1, s. 40-45.

[Knyazhevich, D. M.], 1822. Opyt razbora russkikh sinonimov. Priznatelnost. Blagodarnost [Experience of analysis of the Russian synonyms. Appreciation. Gratitude]. Syn Otechestva, istoricheskiy, politicheskiy i literaturnyy zhurnal izdavaemyy Nikolaem Grechem [The Son of Homeland, the historical, political and literary magazine issued by Nikolay Grechem], 82, s. 169-172.

[Knyazhevich, D. M.], 1814. Sinonimy. Sposob. Sredstvo [Synonyms. Way. Means]. Syn Otechestva, istoricheskiy, politicheskiy i literaturnyy zhurnal [The Son of Homeland, the historical, political and literary magazine], 12, s. 58-62.

Kubasov, I., 1899. A. S. Pushkin – chlen S.-Peterburgskogo Volnogo Obshchestva Lyubiteley Slovesnosti, Nauk i Khudozhestv [A. S. Pushkin is the member of the St. Petersburg Free Society of Fans of Literature, Sciences and Arts]. Russkaya starina [The Russian old times], 5, s. 471-474.

Mikhnevich, I. 1857. Istoricheskiy obzor sorokaletiya Rishelevskogo litseya s 1817-1857 god [The historical review of the fortieth anniversary of Rishelieu lyceum about 1817-1857]. Odessa: Tip. L. Nitche.

Koval, I. M., hol. red., Odeskyi nats. un-t im. I. I. Mechnykova, 2015. Odeskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni I. I. Mechnykova. Istoriia ta suchasnist (1865-2015) [Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University. Past and Present (1865-2015)]. Odesa: ONU.

Otchet obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii za 1838 god [The report of society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia for 1838], 1839. Listki obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii [Leaves of society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia], 1, s. 3-22.

Otchet obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii za 1839 god [The report of society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia for 1839], 1840. Listki obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii [Leaves of society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia], 1, s. 3-15.

Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossiyskoy imperii (Sobranie 2) [Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire], 1837. Sankt-Peterburg. T. 11 (Otdelenie 1).

Protokol zasedaniya 23 fevralya [Minutes of the meeting on February 23], 1839. Listki obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii [Leaves of society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia], 3, s. 137-141.

Protokol zasedaniya 30 marta [Minutes of the meeting on March 30], 1839. Listki obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii [Leaves of society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia], 4, s. 209-212.

Protokol zasedaniya 6 aprelya [Minutes of the meeting on April 6], 1839. Listki obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii [Leaves of society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia], 4, s. 212-215.

Protokol zasedaniy. Zasedaniya 21 marta [Minutes of the meeting on March 21], 1840. Listki obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii [Leaves of society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia], 2, s. 68-69.

Protokol zasedaniya: 3 yanvarya [Minutes of the meeting on January 3], 1839. Listki obshchestva selskogo khozyaystva Yuzhnoy Rossii [Leaves of society of agricultural industry of the Southern Russia], 2, s. 73-79.




