
  • О. Б. Дьомін






Lockyer R. Tudor and Stuart Britain, 1471-1714. - L., 1966.

Mac-Caffrey W.T. Queen Elizabeth and the Making of Policy, 1572-1588. - Princeton, 1981.

Black J.B. The Reign of Elizabeth. - Oxford, 1937.

Rowse A. The Expansion of Elizabeth England. - L., 1955.

Crowson P.S. Tudor Foreign Policy. - L., 1973.

Read C. Mr. Secretary Cecil and Queen Elizabeth. - L., 1955.

Bindoff S.T. Tudor England. - L., 1951.

Wernham R.B. Before the Armada: the Growth of English Foreign Policy, 1488-1588. - L., 1966.

Wilson C. Queen Elizabeth and the Revolt of the Netherlands, 1559-1648 // Past and Present. - 1970. - № 49.

Чистозвонов А.Н. Английская политика по отношению к революционным Нидерландам (1572-1585) // Средние века. - Вып. 5. - М., 1954.

Пиренн А. Нидерландская революция. - М., 1937. - С. 191-192, 200, 203.

Kervyn de Lettenhove J.M. Relations politiques des Pays-Bas et de l`Angleterre sous le regne de Philippe II. - Dans II t. - Bruxelles, 1882-1900. - T. 8. - P. 118-123.

Calendar of State Papers. Foreign series of the reign of Elizabeth. - In. 23 v. - L., 1863-1950. - V. II. - № 574.

Elliot J.H. Imperial Spain, 1469-1716. - N.Y., 1964. - P. 258.

Journal of Sir Francis Walsingham, from dec. 1570 to april 1583. Ed. by C. Martin // Camden Miscellane. - V. 6. - L., 1871. - P. 29.

Kerveyn de Lettenhove. - T. 9. - P. 85-90, 315, 23-24.

Gachard L.P. Correspondence de Philippe II sur les affaires des Pays-Bas. - T. 4. - Brussels, 1855. - P. 134.

CSP. For. - V. XI. - № 1322.

Petriec C. Don John of Austria. - L., 1967. - P. 290.

Tudor Tracts, 1532-1588. Ed. by A.F. Pollard. - :., 1903. - P. 447.

Ibid. - P. 425.

CSP. For. - V. 11. - № 1187.

Calendar of Letters and State Papers relating to English affairs, preserved principally in the archives of Simancas. - L., 1894. - P. 533, 535-536, 541.

CSP. For. - V. 11. - № 974, 1191, 1233.

Пиренн А. Указ. соч. - С. 203.

Read C. Mr. Secretary Walsingham and policy of Queen Elizabeth. - V. 1. - Oxford, 1925. - P. 345.

Pollard A.F. The History of England form the accession of Edward VI to the death of Elizabeth. - L., 1910. - P. 345.

CSP. For. - V. 11. - № 550.

Read C. Walsingham and Burghley in Queen Elizabeth`s Privy Council // English Historical Review. - 1913. - V. 23. - № 109. - P. 34-39, 42-43.

Wilson C. Op. cit. - P. 123.

Pollard A.F. Op. cit. - P. 344-345.

Kervyn de Lettenhove. - T. 9 - P. 211, 309-314, 356-358, 452-453, 444-446.

Read C. Mr. Secretary Walsingham... - V. 1. - P, 353.

Kervyn de Lettenfove. - T. 9. - P. 540-542.

Wernham R.B. Op. cit. - P. 330-331.

Осипова Т.С. Освободительная борьба ирландского народа против английской колонизации (вторая половина XVI - начало XVII в.). - М., 1962. - С. 108-109.

Journal... - P. 34.

CSP. For. - V. 12. - № 47.

Kervyn de Lettenhove. - T. 10. - P. 85-88.

A general collection of treaties, manifestes, contractes, contractes of marriage, renunciations and other public papres, from the years 1495 to the years 1712. - V. 2. - L., 1732. - P. 81-82.

Пиренн А. Указ. соч. - С. 230.

Read C. Mr. Secretary Walsingham... - V. 1. - P. 365.

Чистозвонов А.Н. Нидерландская буржуазная революция. - М., 1958. - С. 114.

Calendar of State Papers, relating to English affairs, preserved principally at Rome, in Vatican archives and library. - V. 2. - L., 1926. - № 786.

Kervyn de Lettenhove. - T. 10. - P. 342-343.

CSP. For. - V. 11. - № 830.

Journal... - P. 36.

Kervyn de Lettenhove. - T. 10. - P. 319-320.

Read C. Mr. Secretary Walsingham... - V. 1. - P. 375.

Чистозвонов А.Н. Нидерландская буржуазная революция. - С. 115.

Kervyn de Lettenhove. - T. 10. - P. 481-482, 490-493, 465-467, 558-564, 588-590, 600-604, 689-693, 708-709, 720-722, 798-799, 806-809.

CSP, Rome. - V. 2. - № 876, 895, 891, 932-934, 900, 924.

Black J.B. Op. cit. - P. 299.

Wernham R.B. Op. cit. - P. 334, 336.

Pollard A.F. Op. cit. - P. 344.

Stone L. An Elizabethan: Sir Horatio Palavicino. - L., 1956. - P. 70.

Read C. Mr. Secretary Walsingham... - V. 1. - P. 408-412, 421.

Petrie C. The Great Tyrconnel: a Chapter in Anglo-Irish relations. - Dublin, 1972. - P. 325-326.

Read C. Mr. Secretary Walsingham... - V. 2. - P. 2.

Wernham R. English Policy and the Revolt of the Netherlands // Britain and Netherlands. - V. 1. - :., 1960. - P. 29-31.

Чистозвонов А.Н. Крестьянские движения в период нидерландской революции // Средние века. - Вып. 4. - М., 1952. - С. 198-200.

Чистозвонов А.Н. Английская политика... - С. 216.

CSP. For. - V. 13. - Preface. - P. 2.

Read C. Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth. - N.Y., 1960. - P. 227.

Pollard A.F. Op. cit. - P. 349.

Любович Н.Н. Марнике де Сент-Альгедонд, как политический писатель. - Киев, 1910. - С. 123-134.

Read C. Lord Burghley... - P. 207-221, 229.

CSP. For. - V. 14. - P. 343, 348, 520.

Black J.B. Op. cit. - P. 306.

Candem W. The History of the most renowned and victorious Princess Elizabeth Late Queen of Elizabeth. Ed. by W.T. MacCaffrey. - Chicago, 1970. - P. 134-135.

The Compleat Ambassador. Ed. by D.Digges. - L., 1655. - P. 355-356, 391, 367-368, 369-370, 44.

Sutherland N.M. The Massacre of St. Bartholomew and the European conflict, 1559-1572. - L., 1973.

Wernham R.B. Before the Armada. - P. 362.

CSP. For. - V. 15. - P. 361-409, 346, 415, 466.

CSP. Spain. - V. 3. - P. 295, 346.

Camden W. Op. cit. - P. 142-143, 143.

Pollard A.F. Op. cit. - P. 351, 392.

Braudel F. La Mediterranee et le Monde mediterraneen a l`epoque de Philippe II. - P., 1949. - P. 1008-1030.

Parker G. The Duntch Revolt. - L., 1979. - P. 209, 206.

CSP. For. - V. 18. - P. 43, 73, 120-122.

CSP. Spain. - V. 3. - P. 498.

Демин О.Б. Из истории экспедиции графа Лестера в Нидерланды // Вопросы новой и новейшей истории. - Вып. 38. - Киев, 1992. - С. 134-137.




